Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Now with less omploader linkage

I like when memes get shifted ever so slightly. It makes me laffo.

Monday, May 24, 2010

backups and HTPCs

Hello friands.

I did some work on the backup system. Some awesome documentation is available.

I wasn't pleased with 24Hz video playback performance with mplayer, so I'm playing with xv myself. I want timing to be dictated by the screen refresh rate instead of by sleeping in the program, so that playback is always smooth.

Not sure how to conclude this post!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

They sure are

fyi omploader fails.


Hello friands.
This is supposed to be a group blog where we can talk about random BS.

Daf's Illegal Gambling Site
Daf is going to run a site where people can place illegal bets on soccer games. He wants to call the site MUNDIAL MADNESS, and has even come up with a logo.
I think the name sucks and the site should instead be called Gayness Sight.

Backup Systems
I'm working on a backup system using git + rsync. I decided on git because it offers history and 'git diff' would make it easy to generate incremental backups. However, it really sucks hard for binary files. This advanced scheme allows one to easily replicate backups across a network since backups are just git repos. git pull everyday.

I wonder how bad this is going to look...